It's not what you know, it's who (whom?). Last year, a good friend of mine passed my details on to his mother Joy, who is very active in raising awareness of the infamous neurodegenereative disease, Alzheimer's as well as being afflicted herself. Looking for someone to redesign a character, yours truly was drafted in.
One of my original interpretations
of Joy's funky yellow character.
Since then it's been a gloriously wild ride at Paul Loudon Illustration, with postcards, a children's school book and an activity pack to work on. The opportunity to collaborate with Emma Smith (age UK Salford) and Dr. Joy Watson has been a true highlight of my career, culminating in a book launch in which I felt like a minor celebrity. Kids from local schools were there and did a great job entertaining the crowd with shadow puppets. LINK
The book cover. Carbon Creative
worked their magic on one of my
interior illustrations, I like it!
Furthermore my illustrations for the book were passed on to Carbon Creative LINK, who did a grand old job compiling the thing and making it look proper. So, a shout out to them.
One of the more complex images, shows "Mr. A"
looking a bit lost and confused, before a young girl
asks him where he's going. ...Mr Alzheimer's turns
blue when in distress.
Book launch!
More images to follow...